Not Ideal..
So I'll try keep this as NOT detailed as possible because it can turn into a TMI story & it's a bit gross haha
So about a month after having bub I started having bad tummy cramps and other problems as well which are a bit gross to talk about sooooo I'll save you all! So I ended up going to my GP and she checked me out & thought I had an infection after having bub, so put me on 2 lots of strong antibiotics. It was very embarrassing she had to check me out as if I was having a pap smear, which by the way isn't called a pap smear anymore, it's a cervical smear, one of my friends kindly informed me, cervical smear sounds way worse then a pap smear!
Anyway, the next week I had my check up with my obstetrician, he did an ultrasound and found he left the tiniest little bit of placenta behind. I'm talking TINY! And it caused me to have an infection. By the way I wasn't mad at him in any way, these things happen and it was literally tiny, anyone would have missed it!
He gave me 2 funny shaped pills which I had to shove up my hooha, one pill one week and then the other one the week after. He said if the infection continues after my antibiotics & doing those pill things then I'd have to have a D&C. Luckily for me this worked.
He said the pills will cause bad cramps for that day while they do their thing. But it wasn't to bad...well it was a walk in the park compared to labour! So I'm very grateful it was an easy fix in the end! It probably took the 2 full weeks to be fully cleared.
So if you're worried about anything like this happening to you or it could be happening right now, see your doctor ASAP! Infections are nasty things which can cause all sorts of issues & it's always better to be safe then sorry!
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