Trying the great escape

Both Mark and I always said before baby that we wouldn't let having a child stop us from going out and doing our normal things that we always love to do. We wanted to still be able to go out for lunches, dinners, see friends, see movies and all those other fun things that we enjoyed in life. But all of these things seem to have fallen into the to hard basket.

In the very beginning Georgia hated the car, and I can't emphasise the word 'hated' enough. The amount of times we pulled onto the side of the road to check why she was screaming so hysterically was ridiculous. She would last a maximum of 5 minutes in the car before the screaming would start, and most car trips it wouldn't stop. Which made going out very stressful. Being fresh new parents hearing your baby screaming is a horrible noise which you can't just block out. After a couple of months I think she realised the car isn't as scary as she thought and she did start to calm down, we also put toys on her lap for her to look at and eventually play with once she knew she had hands.

Trying to keep some sort of sleep pattern happening also made going out hard. Georgia is a VERY light sleeper and doesn't seem to settle anywhere well compared to her own cot, so this is another thing keeping us at home, we try to make any outings not interfere with her sleeps, so while she is still having two naps a day, this is very limiting on time to go out. And no she won't sleep in the car no matter how long the drive!

If you're not an organised, think ahead kind of person, I think going out would be even harder. You really need to be on your A game. Like how many nappies to pack, change of clothes, sometimes clothes even for yourself, how many bottles to take, how much food to take, toys etc and you always need to take more then you think, in case you get caught out! As babies get older it does get a bit easier but this was something I have been caught out on a couple of times, and I'm a pretty organised person! And it still happens from time to time for example this morning I took Georgia to swimming and only took one nappy to change her into after the lesson, and while I was dressing her I broke one of the tabs on the nappy! Luckily we live 5 minutes from the gym, so with half a nappy hanging off we managed to make it home accident free!

There have been many days I've felt I needed to get out of the house and have just thought stuff it we are going out, to bad if it doesn't suit Georgia's routine and have been so grateful I've thought like that. There are days where I feel I'm going batty. Sure Georgia has been harder for me but I feel more human for escaping the house. But there are also days where I've thought I want to go out but it is to hard, so we don't go out. But I do think it is important to get out and about as a mum, it does make you feel better.

And friend's of mums, if you're reading this, keep inviting them out, keep asking to pop over, don't think to not invite them because they will be busy with baby. Sometimes being a mum can be a little isolating and overwhelming. Our mum brains sometimes don't think to organise a catch up so if you help us out a little with a text or phone call it would be very much appreciated! Even if they can't catch up that day you would have planted the seed in their brain to think about a catch up for another time, and it also would let them know you still love them and want to see them!

As Georgia has gotten older going out is getting easier but it has taken a while to get to this point! I do find going out with her now more enjoyable. New mum's if you're feeling like it is to hard to get out and about, just keep trying and practising, you will be happier for it in the long run!



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