How I'm going with two girls

Since my last post was all about how Georgia is going being a big sister I thought it would only be fitting to write my next blog on how I am going with two girls, especially so close in age.

I've noticed when people ask me how I am going the only answer I can give without going into a long drawn out response is I'm busy. And I have started to notice a lot of other mums also say this. It is like we have replaced the usual response of I'm good to I'm busy! Which is no lie, all the times I thought my life was busy in the past was a nice stroll in the park compared to these days.

For the first few weeks of being parents to two babies it was relatively easy, all Lauren needed was a feed then she would go straight back to sleep and stay asleep for hours which meant we could continue to give Georgia all of our attention which she is used to. As the weeks have progressed Lauren has developed a bit of reflux and being that little bit older is wanting to be awake for longer and is craving entertainment. So it is only really the past few weeks Georgia is noticing that she is getting less and less of our undivided attention. Which in turn means extra whinging on top of a refluxy crying baby.

There are days where poor Mark comes home from work with at least one screaming kid and me borderline going into a corner and rocking back and forth mumbling something under my breath repeatedly. Then there are other days where I've got my shit together and both girls are happy, I'm happy and there is order in the house. 

I've learned over the weeks that for me organisation is key. I'm a pretty organised person and need routine but I've got to go above and beyond what I used to do and be absolutely organised for the whole day. If I can be on top of everything I can handle the girls when there are tears a lot better. If this doesn't happen I'm setting myself up for failure for the day. 

I have been overcome with a bit of anxiety at times, my brain goes into overdrive and overthinks things to the extreme. There have been days where I've planned to take the girls out, then my brain will worry about one minor thing and I'll think it's to hard and just stay home. For example I wanted to take Georgia to a play centre but thought what if I need to go to the toilet while I'm out what do I do with the girls? What a random and silly thing to worry about right? And my silly solution for my issue so we could go out? I just didn't drink any water all morning until I got home! If I thought about it rationally I could have just used the disabled toilet and had them in the pram in there with me...makes total sense now!

This new venture in my life is definitely the hardest and most challenging thing I've ever done. Most days the thought 'what have we done?' crosses over my mind but I love the girls like crazy and when they are both amazing it makes me realise how worth it it all is, their close age gap will hopefully mean they are good friends and for us even though each stage (schooling, adolescence, periods, boyfriends e.t.c) will be double the trouble, it will happen at similar times which means we will be done with it at similar times as well. I just have to look at the bigger picture and not fixate on that moment in time if it is hard. 



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