My birth story with bub number 2!

Its come to that time again to write another birth story. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be writing another one when it was only last year I started my blog by writing my birth story with Georgia! 

We knew the date and time we would be having bub. I had to have an 'elective' cesarean this time so I was booked for Monday 28th May at 9:30am. We got into the hospital for a nice early start of 6am. We went into the day surgery ward and checked in. I was put in a small room with just a bed and a chair which is where they went through my paperwork, checked my obs and had me get into my very sexy hospital gown then they explained to Mark and I what would be happening, after that I was wheeled into a waiting bay where we had a short wait before heading into the operating room.

The anaesthetist came to put my epidural in, this was the thing I was most nervous about. When you are in labour and in an extreme amount of pain, a needle in the spine seems like nothing. But when you've gone in there feeling completely normal it seems that much more scary. I sat on the side of the bed with my legs on a chair and had to lean forward as best I could with a giant belly in the way. He then prepped my back and found the spot he was looking for and put the local anaesthetic in, that was painful, a type of pain which is hard to put into words. He then put the catheter in my spine which I felt! The local hadn't gone into the spot he was working on and feeling a tube go up your spine is not something I'll forget anytime soon! As soon as I could feel the pain I let the doctor know, he put more local in and it was much more bearable after that. Once he put the spine blocker in I had this warm sensation all down my legs, I almost felt like I wet myself! Shortly after that my legs were numb, they had me lay down and my doctor came to do his thing. 

I started to worry as breathing became really hard, like my lungs were heavy. My anaesthetist reassured me that was normal and once bub was out that feeling would go away (which it did). The blue sheet went up and I just had to wait. The environment in the room was very relaxed and calm, which kept me calm and my nerves at bay. After feeling all the pulling and tugging from them rummaging around in there (which the doctors referred to as my handbag which is a horrible way to explain it!) the doctor said we've got a full head of dark hair! He also mentioned the cord was around bubs neck but as soon as I started to worry about that we heard the noise we wanted to hear, those new born cries and I knew bub was ok! 

We then got to see our squishy baby girl! They took her over to the baby station and had her all checked out and that was also where Mark got to cut the cord. She weighed 3.99kgs and was 53.5cm long, Just slightly bigger then her sister. We named her Lauren Audrey. Her middle name is my Nana's name and Lauren because we liked it & it was also the only name we could both agree on!

It felt like an eternity while they cleaned everything up inside me and stitched me up. It felt a lot longer then last time that's for sure, although last time I was so exhausted I did pass out after seeing we had Georgia. The doctor asked me if we were planning anymore children and we both very swiftly said no so he made an extra effort to make my scar look as tidy as possible and to try prevent me having keloid scarring. Once I was all cleaned up and stitched back together I was wheeled into recovery where a very lovely nurse looked after us and got us started on the path of breast feeding before heading into my room where I would stay for the next 4 days.

The next day it was time for me to stand up and have a much needed shower! The midwife took out my catheter and then was helping me to stand up, but when I went to stand up my right leg wouldn't work! I had feeling in my leg but when I tried to put any weight onto it, it felt like it would collapse under me. The midwife didn't seem worried at all, she said we will wait one more hour and try again. I was freaking out thinking is this how my leg will be forever? Will I be able to walk again? Plus I didn't want them to put the catheter in again! My mind went to all those dramatic scenarios but I did manage to walk again and got to have my much needed shower! 

My birth story is definitely not a traumatic story like some women's and for me this experience was so much more pleasant then what I had the first time. I was very lucky it went well and that Lauren and myself are healthy. I also think it helped me bond with Lauren a lot quicker, having the nicer birth experience compared to when I had Georgia. I think it took me a good 2 weeks to get that bond with Georgia so it was lovely to have that feeling straight away with Lauren, I understand now when mum's say they instantly love their little humans.

I am really happy with how everything went and I am enjoying the new born stage this time, I'm not enjoying the minimal sleep but that's ok it is only temporary!



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