Dinner time!

So we decided we were going to start trying Miss G with food at around 5 months old. She seemed to be showing signs of being interested in food, well we constantly felt like there was a seagull staring at us at every meal so I took that as a tell tale sign she was keen to try it! 

I was so excited about her trying food. I just imagined she would love everything that was put on a spoon and that she would pick up how to eat right away. I was wrong! 
We bought that baby rice cereal stuff which looked and smelled bland, it actually reminded me of clagg glue, it looked sludgy and white. I mixed it with some formula and I made it to runny but still gave it a shot. I sat Georgia in her high chair and I took a small spoonful of the cereal and put it in her mouth & waited for her to eat it & give me the biggest smile I had ever seen, but it didn't happen, she just let her mouth hang open and gave me a concerned look like I had put the worst possible thing in her mouth ever! I tried with another spoonful and the same thing happened except this time she started to cry with panic so I gave up. 

The next morning I tried again but made the mixture a bit thicker. She seemed a little more interested and ate maybe a spoonful, so I'm claiming that as success! A couple days went past and she was getting a little better at eating so I steamed and pureed some sweet potato, I thought that was a good veggie to start with. One word of advice DON'T START WITH SWEET POTATO! It wasn't runny enough and she hated it! she spat it out, cried and threw up, it was quite the dramatic performance! The second vegetable I tried was Pumpkin. That was a winner! And still to this day she is obsessed with pumpkin, if there wasn't a risk of excess pumpkin turning her skin orange I reckon I could feed it to her 3 meals a day, every day of the week! I've also tried sweet potato several times with no luck, this is a veggie is isn't going to like.

I think it took her nearly 2 weeks to perfect the art of eating, I'm very lucky she is a clean eater & doesn't need props while eating. I know of babies who need to hold their own spoon while being fed just so their mum's can get some food into their tummies! 

I was trying to avoid it but Georgia has a sweet tooth, just like her mum. She really loves her fruit and the sweeter veggies like pumpkin & corn. But eating fruit is a lot better then other options out there. I am determined to make all her food from scratch and I have done that so far in the 3 months she's been eating food. Actually I tell a lie, there was one week we travelled to New Zealand and I had to do sachets as I had no where to cook and prep her food. And I can see why mum's choose them over cooking, they are very easy and convenient, but money wise they are pretty expensive compared to buying veggies and doing it yourself. I also am determined to try keep Georgia away from preservatives & any other nasties for as long as I possibly can. I've dedicated Monday's to pureeing a heap of fruit, veggies & meat and putting them in ice cube trays and freezing them which has her sorted for the week ahead and it doesn't chew up to much time of my time doing it.

We started Georgia on one meal a day in the mornings, just in case something didn't agree with her tummy, we had the day to let it pass. after about a month we went to 2 meals a day and we are now giving her 3 meals a day. She is fussy with textures still, every time we give her something that isn't pureed she gags and dry reaches, sometimes even throws up! So it is something I need to work on with her, she can't have runny food all her life! 

It is funny, depending on the colour of food she eats, it will change the colour of her poo! I gave her strawberries and blueberries and made her poo a reddy purple colour, I had to quickly remember what she ate and not panic that she had something seriously wrong with her organs! 

The next task is to try her with peanuts, we've been putting this one off for a while now! It's scary to think what could happen! Our plan of attack is to give her some peanut butter while we are in the car park at the hospital, only because it freaks us out that much! I will let you know how that goes! 

I'm really enjoying this stage of Georgia's life, you can really tell when she loves certain foods and that makes me so happy to see her enjoying the small things in life.



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