Being promoted to big sister
Georgia has been in her new job roll as big sister for 7 weeks now and it has been interesting watching her dealing with the big change. I really feel for little ones going through this adjustment in their lives, it is something they don't choose and even if they are so excited about being an older sibling, new born babies aren't fun for them, they have to adjust to not being their parents total focus and they also have to learn to deal with all the crying and pooping!
When Lauren was born Georgia was only 15 months and 3 weeks old, she was and still is a baby herself so this was a major adjustment for her. She had never had one single night away from us and I put her to bed for pretty much every nap and night sleep since she was born. She stayed at my mum's house for 2 nights so Mark could be with me and Lauren then spent the week at home with Mark and my brother. And since I had a cesarean it meant I couldn't pick her up for 5 weeks. So before Lauren was even put in the equation her life was turned upside down.
For the first few weeks she did better then we expected, she learned quickly that I couldn't pick her up and she got used to Lauren's cries. Mark had a month off work so even though she couldn't have 100% of my attention, she had a lot of fun with her Dad.
Once Mark went back to work it became the real test, for all of us. Georgia has been doing well so far while I do Lauren's feeds. Mark set up an activity room for her to play in to keep her occupied, which has been working a treat. The only thing I have found is I've had to hide her crayons and chalk as she has discovered that she doesn't have to be limited to paper and her black board to use them on! We are having to teach her about strength, she is a little rough with Lauren. Showing her how to be gentle has been a hard one but she has been more gentle with her lately
As for the negatives Georgia's sleep has been compromised quite a lot. In the time Lauren has arrived she decided to go down to one nap a day and most times we put her down for a nap she cries. Her night time sleep can sometimes also be a fight and she even at times wakes through the night crying which she hasn't done in the longest time.
Witching hour has become so much more intense, not only do I have 2 kids having their witching hour at the same time but Georgia is so much more full on with wanting to be picked up and if she doesn't get her way the crying is ridiculous! She has started a habit of biting me, no one else just me! It usually is at the end of the day and it is when she wants me to play but I am unable to give her my full attention. So learning how to deal with that has been interesting. Not only has she started that she is also doing the things she knows are naughty more, which I know is her just trying to get any sort of attention from me, so making sure I keep my cool has been right at the front of my mind.
She has been dealing with the change better then I thought and the bad things have been a challenge to deal with but at the same time they were expected. It has been a major learning curb for all of us but I feel our little family are doing a great job. I shouldn't wish time away but I'm truly looking forward to the time when the girls can both play together and have fun.
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