A day in the life of Nicole!

I need routine in my life to feel like I can cope and throwing a toddler and a new born into that means there is no longer much of a routine for me! I have found if I can be organised for at least the afternoon and evening when the girls are usually tired and needing my full attention then I can do okay! So this is how a good day goes:

I get up before Lauren and Georgia are due to wake, I will have the quickest shower I possibly can and slap on some foundation and mascara, then depending who wakes up first will get the first bottle for the day. Once both girls are up we have a little play then when Lauren hits that wall she goes back to bed. While Georgia is happily playing or at the moment watching the wiggles (she is obsessed!) I am able to quickly wash bottles and put a load of washing on. 

Georgia goes down for a nap at midday so I try and have Lauren up before that so they will be in bed at the same time and this mama can have a tiny break from having kids on her! 
Once they are both in bed, this is the time I use to get ready for the evening. I get everything set up for both of their baths, so nappies ready, towels and PJ's. We are having cold nights at the moment so I prep the fire so all we have to do is light it. I precook or at least prep food for our dinner and Georgia's dinner and if I still have free time I may run around with the Vacuum or do some other cleaning, or write a blog!

Then usually around 1:30/2pm it all starts again! We have afternoon tea and play and try keep the girls as happy as possible. From 5pm the chaos which I try to be prepped for begins. I give Georgia her dinner and keep Lauren happy in the process. 6pm Mark usually gets home. He takes Georgia and gives her a bath then I bath Lauren at the same time. Once that is done Mark gives Georgia her bottle, reads some books to her then she's in bed. At the same time I'm feeding Lauren and getting her into bed as well. Usually this is all done by 7:30pm. I then clean bottles and finish cooking dinner, then we can eat and maybe watch a bit of tele before heading to bed! 

For me being organised ahead of time makes the whole night routine easier on me, I can become very easily flustered so if I can prevent that from happening I can deal with the girls so much better! Yes it is hectic and busy but it works for me at this point in the girls lives. Not every day runs smoothly however, but I do try to make it happen! Having two tiny humans being so close in age and depending on me 100% to do everything for them is a juggling act in itself but I think my little system is working for them and for myself for this point, I am very well aware this will all change very soon I'm sure! 



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