Where have I been?

Hello! Yes I am still alive!

I have been so slack with my story telling lately. No I haven't disappeared off the face of the earth, life has just been busy. And truthfully, I haven't made my blog a priority. Yes I do want to share stories of my parenting journey, and they are important to me but I have been putting everything else into my higher importance basket. It is kind of like weight loss, while you want to get a 'hot bod', watching a new TV series on Netflix is definitely of higher importance then squeezing in a at home work out session. I'm not saying I've just been watching Netflix for months on end! I am still trying to balance being a Mum, working, seeing family & friends, and all the other little nitty gritty things that comes with along with life.

So I am going to change my way of thinking. The things that are important to me but I don't seem to have time for are going to get my focus. So you lucky reader, you are going to have more stories from me to read very soon! I am also going to have that 'hot mum bod' that I dream of in no time! (that sentence stinks of sarcasm doesn't it?)  

We all put so much pressure on ourselves to be able to do it all, we have a certain high standard for ourselves but we never expect that anyone else can do it all also. So this is a note to myself and to you that it is ok, you don't need to be super woman or man, do what is important to you. So my blog baby is gettin some love. I'll be sharing more mama tales soon and more regularly! 

So while this is me curing you of your concern for me it is also me saying if you want results from something or you want to do something you're interested and passionate about, make it a priority, make time for it. That is the only way it will happen. While the saying goes 'there are not enough hours in a day', find the time, make the effort. You won't be disappointed! 



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